Mittwoch, 20. März 2019

Important News for all people in Nürnberg -- Shvil Event 28. März 2019

If you want to see and hear more from the Shvil and you can't wait until I come back to Germany in May: On Thursday 28. March at 7 pm there is a presentation by Christian Seebauer of his tour on the Shvil. He will show pictures and tell his own story and his challenge - he did the Shvil without any money.  As you know Christian is the one who inspired me through his book "Israel Trail mit Herz" to do the Shvil myself. The location is the "Israelitische Kultusgemeinde" in Nürnberg, Arno Hamburger Str. 3".
You find the details under the following link: or on Christians Website:

My wife and kids also plan to go there.
Toda raba, greetings from the Shvil

Vortrag von Christian Seebauer zum Israel Trail
Israelitische Kultusgemeinde 
Arno-Hamburger-Straße 3
90411 Nürnberg
Beginn 19:00
2 x 45 Minuten

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