Samstag, 14. März 2020

Two days of shelter from the storm & relaxed hiking on Shabat

The south of Israel was facing a strong winterstorm on Friday and Saturday. The storm came from the South from Egypt and brought a lot of sand and rain. Especially during both nights the wind and rain were very strong.
The Israelis take such conditions very serious, since two years ago a group of young people died in flash floods.
It was a big blessing for us to come here and stay here during this storm. Rotems Guesthouse is such a special place, the two Rotems (husband and wife have the same firstname) are such lovely and friendly people. Rotem the man is a builder of mud houses which he learned in the United States from an Indian. His wife is the creative element, all the rooms are very nicely decorated and the garden is full of blossom. I enjoyed the herbal teas from the garden.
On Friday we just relaxed.  A Lady, another guest of Rotems hostel, was taking us to a Wadi which is a strong river at the moment, which normally is dry without any water.
After our Shabat dinner we talked and discussed different topics, played chess and went on with our bible reading.

On Saturday the weather was much better, but still not stable enough to hike the Barak Canyon. So our hosts strongly recommended us a hike to the outlook spot of Paran. For all of us it was a pleasure to hike light-weighted with just small backpacks. We hiked up to the peak on 300m sea level. The outlook to Jordan which is only 5-10km away and to the Barak mountains were amazing. We had our lunch break on the top. Later we met our Co-guests Ran and his family from Aminadav on our way back at the so-called cave. They invited us to visit them when we are in Jerusalem. I had a nice telephone call with my friend Boaz.
The rest of the afternoon we enjoyed in our hostel, before we prepared for the next Shvil challenges to come.

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