As my wife had told me I didn't leave the Hadassah Hospital without seeing the famous Chagall windows in the synagogue. These 12 magnificent windows were Chagall's gift to the State of Israel. They are dedicated to the 12 sons of Jacob. Each window contains a quotation from the individual blessings. The brilliant colours of the beautiful stained glass were very impressive.
And now I got finally back on the Shvil - Halleluja! I started hiking towards Even Sapir and then up the hill of Aminadav. On the top there are springs filling small pools of water. In the village of Aminadav I saw a memorial for John F. Kennedy built in 1966. There I had my morning break with bread and cheese and a lot of school kids around me. I had a nice view towards Jerusalem. My way ran further east through another valley. I enjoyed the quiet atmosphere. Then I had to climb up another Nahal (small water canyon) which can be quite challenging with a backpack, you can easily get stuck. My today's hike was 30 km long, so I hitchhiked for about 5 km. When I got back on the Shvil, I met two German girls Hanna and Sabine from Chemnitz. We had a nice conversation and found out that we had things in common, they are also believers and scouts. Sabine's leg was injured and she couldn't hike very quickly. We were all invited by a woman with kids from Hebron to eat some green beans with them. The girls decided to stay here overnight in their tent. We prayed for each other and said goodbye.
On the bottom of this hill Ronan and Tamar invited me for tea and explained to me that exactly here King David had fought against Goliath and that the Philistian army stood on the opposite hill. So I experienced both here - an incredible historical place as well as great Israel hospitality.
Finally, I made my way to Kirjat Yesha Yahu were I was able to stay with my Shvil Angel Ayelet. She set another benchmark for hospitality. She offered me a delicious Persian dinner with a lot of different dishes. We had a very nice fellowship and she shared with me her sad story of her family. When her younger son was in the army, he could't really cope with it. He felt as not belonging and alone. After about 9 months in the army he committed suicide with his machine gun. Today Ayelet is dedicated to a ministry that educates and informs young people before they go to the army and keeps the awareness of those problems in order to protect other young people.
It was another intense and blessed day and now I was looking forward to get some sleep.
Three of the Chagall windows |
Hadassah hospital from the top |
Nice view west of Jerusalem |
Pools filled from springs |
Kennedy memorial |
Nahal hiking |
Sabine and Hanna from Chemnitz |
My Shvil angel dinner: Persian cuisine |
Ayelet toda raba for your hospitality |
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