Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2020

Day3 : Sunrise on Masada and along the dead sea

We got up at five in our campground beneath Massada. Our target was to experience the sunrise on Massada. We achieved it. Its wonderful to see the sun rise opposite of Massada behind the Jordanian (Edom) mountains.

Afterwards we had some tea and breakfast and started our sightseeing. Masada is on the list of Unesco World Heritage. Masada is an incredible mountain bloc which is 650m long and 300m wide. Herod, KIng of Judea built a palatial fortress in the style of the ancient Roman East. Masada was the last rebel stronghold in Judea. In 73 or 74 CE the Romans laid siege to the mountain and built a ramp and brought a tower with which they began to batter the wall. When the Jews saw that they would loose this fight, they killed themselves on the first day of Passover before the Romans could conquer Masada. A really incredible place.

After leaving Masada we had to climb Mount Elazar one of the steepest ascents on the Shvil Israel.
On top we took a break, today was a very sunny and warm day.

We had to cross several Nahals and in the early afternoon we reached Outlooks to the Dead sea and the Jordanian mountains. At 4:30 in the afternoon we arrived Ein Bokek a Hotel place directly at the Dead sea.

We decided to camp at the beach. We met Noah who doesn't have a permanent home, he lives in his Jeep and two tents. He wants to offer Services to travellers and was very interested in my feedback on his new icon of his company and my experiences on the Shvil. We went to the City Center to eat and have a beer.

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