Sonntag, 5. Mai 2019

5. May: Great finish at the Kinnereth

With a very nice day my trip ended. We started at the Mount of Beatitudes were Jesus preached about what he expects how we should live as disciples. We split up in teams of two and each team had a verse from Matthew chapter 5, we talked about. Trevor and I had verse 5: Blessed are the gentle ones, since they will inherit the land. We found out that gentleness or "Sanftmütigkeit" in German is this attitude which is not pushing things ourselves, but is trusting and expecting God to bring things in reality. This trusting spirit is an approach of brave faith. We found out that Josef of the Old Testament was such a gentle person. During our teamwork we were walking down to the Kinnereth / Lake of Galilee.

After this we went on to the so-called Worship boat which we entered in Ginosar. Daniel a messianic believer is offering boat trips on the lake which includes a joint worshipping time. This was a very nice and special experience, to be on the lake were Jesus was with his disciples quite often and worship him together. Conny was sharing about the story of the bible when Jesus was commanding the storm to be quiet. She pointed out that we can trust him that he is in control even in the stormy times in our lives.

We went to Tiberias for a lunch break. Anis was recommending us the best Fallafel place there, the Yakov restaurant close to the central bus station. Nobbi and I had our last one together. Then I had to say goodbye from the group. 

I went to Tel Aviv by bus, which worked out very convenient.
I stayed again with Arik, my close friend and headquarter during my 8 weeks long stay here in Israel. We walked the dogs Louis and Meran. had some Omelett together and went to bed early.

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