Freitag, 17. Januar 2020

2020: I am coming back soon on the Shvil

As promised last year I am planning to come back to finish my Shvil.
Flights are booked for end of February 2020.
Interesting wise friends from Nuremberg are joining me, that was a great surprise and joy for me.
Now we are 4 men who will start from Arad soon.
Later two other guys (young students after finishing their exams) will join us, even my oldest son Johannes wants to come hiking for a week.
The plan is to hike for approximately 4 weeks and finish the Shvil in Eilat around March 20th.
Then we will have another week for some sightseeing and meeting friends.

What I can clearly state is, that this part of the Shvil, the 450km in the Negev desert are a real adventure. Serious and detailed planning, for example the water caching, is needed.

We as the Nuremberg Shvil team have already done some training hikes here in Franconia. Next weekend we will have a planning meeting.

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