Mittwoch, 4. März 2020

Day8: Mount Karbolet, the highlight of the highlights

Today we were going to hike the Mount Karbolet. Karbolet is cock comb in english, because like the cock comb this mountain is formed.
In the Red Guide Book of the Israel National Trail this day is marked as the most strenuous day. But the red guide also states that it is the most beautiful day on the INT.

We left from the Oron Factory at 6 a.m., I had 6,5 Liters of water with me.
Whats so special with this mountain is that the Karbolet is part of the Big crater, but the collapsed part which fell "back". So west of the Karbolet is the Big crator, east of it, is great landscape and even the Edom mountains in Jordan. So on the Karbolet you have a 360 degree view to all sides - really breathtaking.
So for us on the right there was a vertical drop to the Crator, to the left the slope is 45 degrees and you are caught in between on the edge of the Mountain for most of the day - really incredible. The rock stone of the edge has some grip, because of this its only possibble to hike this mountain.
The hike on the Mountain is around 13km long, in a very slow Mode.
This day was so great but also so demanding. After 5 hours we had our Lunch break in the shade. We had saved our best food for today tuna, onion and bread.
The afternoon part brought us up to the highest peaks of the Karbolet. We did great - we thought - so that we started the descend and even took a short bath in one of the numberous Spring water pools. But then when our energy Level was really low , we had to face another challenge..
Nahal Afran was between us and the Rest at the Night camp. The descends was very demanding, we had to climb down a Lot of rocky plateaus above water pools. Finally we reached the bottom, reached the night camp still in day light, cached the first Time water Haim provided for us.
The first Time we had a little Open Fire, Simon lighted and had a great conversation with Günter who is also a believer and wants to Bless Israel.
Laila tov.

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