Sonntag, 24. Februar 2019

Ongoing preperations

Time to set up the tent in our garden and test the sleeping matress and sleeping bag. Also the remote control of the camera with the mobile worked fine.

When you touch this tent, it feels like a plastic bag - very thin. But it seems to be strong material. What a clever idea to make use of the walking sticks as tent posts. It keeps the weight light.

                                           Jakob holding my tent, sleeping bag and matress!

Tomorrow I go back to work for four days and then I am nearly off for the holy land. Its great to come back to my second home, soon.

On Sunday morning I could introduce my plans for the Sabbatical in our congregation "Vaterhaus". Then Nobbi and Susanne were praying for Ute and me.

Samstag, 23. Februar 2019

Things are getting serious

After a very intense week at work with a worldwide meeting I had to relax a little bit. Friday I took the famous red book and read about the first days and hikes on the Shvil.

This was very inspiring. I will have very interesting walks, views and will also come to historical places important in the history of Israel.

I still have to work on my fitness. Being out in nature always recharges my batteries.
So I did a 10 kilometers hike with all my equipment. Here some impressions from a very sunny but cold day in Germany.
Ute is really helping me a lot, she went shopping today to get some stuff which I still need.

Samstag, 9. Februar 2019

Only 3 weeks left. I am flying on Sunday 3rd March. The week was exciting, unfortunately Germania Airlines went bankrupt, I lost my already paid flight. So I booked a new one and now

The Birkensee
At the Birkensee
my trip starts one day earlier. Today I did another test hike. This was a serious one. I took the train to Röthenbach in the morning. Then I walked to the Lake Birkensee. There I tested my camera. Of course I had my fully loaded backpack with me. Then I walked back towards Nuernberg. In the forest I took a break, which I really needed. The first time I used my gas cooker and had a soup and tea in the forest. At the end of the day I had walked more than 18 km.

Samstag, 2. Februar 2019

Only 4 weeks to go before my Shvil starts. I am really looking forward to it.
The preparations are intense, especially organizing everything and getting all the stuff together that I need. At the moment I am installing my Shvil mobile phone with the foldable keyboard (thanks Alex!), so that I can blog here.